Best Facts Of Gauva Fruit

Guava is a tropical region fruit .It have a yellowish green colored outer layer skin. The flesh may be white, red or pink. It contains 100–500 seeds for per fruit. The botanical name of guava is Psidium Guajava.
Guavas are known for seedy flesh
Guavas called super fruit contain those nutritional facts
- Calories ->112
- Fats->1.6 grams
- Sugar->14 grams
- Protein ->4.2 grams
- Carbs ->23.6 grams
- Fiber ->8.9 grams
- Vitamin C ->377 milligrams
It enhances the level of iron in your body. It boost immunity levels and kill bad bacteria, viruses and then makes you more stronger .
Guava leaf extract — Reduce pain intensity of menstrual cramps
Stress Buster
Guava helps to relax the stress muscles and refresh your body to prepare for a long run for the day. It avoid getting tired easily.
Helps in protecting Oral Cavity

Its good for heart health contains higher level of potassium and soluble fiber .It prevents heart diseases and the anti oxidant present in guava protect Skin from wrinkle makes you look as young for ages.
Weight loss
Guavas are low in fat and calories. It helps you felt full and lead to weight loss consume good number of guava intake regularly. (too much will makes you thinner and leaner) .
Did you know ?
Guava contain Four times more fiber than pineapple. Four times more vitamin C than orange.